Thursday, January 8, 2009

Monster Stories

I love my little Monster! She has such a sweet personality! She also has a destructive side! Yesterday we were in the living room, relaxing after a long day. Frieda had come and laid on my lap for a few minutes. We exchanged hugs and kisses, and then off she went. Strange, I thought, that she'd want to be alone after being alone all day! I dismissed it as just becoming more independent. A few hours later, when we were going to bed, we found out what she was doing in the bedroom: tearing apart her bed!! I made her stay in there while I took a picture, and boy, she looks sheepish, doesn't she? Since we couldn't very well leave all those pieces of dog bed on the floor, we put her bed in the hall and went to sleep... she, of course, HAD to sleep on the bed, because the hardwood floor is not comfortable enough for a growing 7 month old puppy... you know, this might have been her plan all along!

I added the second photo to show what her favorite morning activity is: showering! She frequently climbs INTO the shower with me and licks my toes. She actually laid down yesterday, in the tub while I showered... how bizarre is that?!

1 comment:

Kristine said...

I love these pictures! How cute and hilarious! They made me laugh and reminded me of all the crazy things that our GS does- including take the stuffing out of his bed and jump into the bathtub (when we aren't in there, but we hear him rustling the shower curtains and call him and we'll hear him jumping out...weird. He used to eat the soap until we quickly put an end to that :)