Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Monster Story of the Week

I should change it to "Week" instead of "day" huh?

Frieda loves water. Like nothing else. She gets excited to drink water. She's a little bit weird. I turn on the faucet in the tub and she RUNS into the room to bite the water. When I'm in the shower, she will shove her upper body in there and bite the water. When she was a puppy, she would jump right in and sit at my feet while I showered. She hasn't done that in a while; I think it's because she's so big.

She loves water so much that she tries to make even her stuffed animals enjoy the water!! I walked into the kitchen and found her bear like this...

P.S. - Isn't she getting big??

1 comment:

Annie Shaw said...

She is huge!!! Almost as big as Guen. Do you think she will be bigger?