Monday, October 27, 2008

Monster Story of the Day

(Frieda says hi! she has her head and paw on my laptop... 3 is an important number to her, for some reason...)

Anyway!! The Frieda story of the day:

Because of her monsterificness, she gets put in her crate now when we leave the house. So yesterday, before we left for church, I put her in her crate. She doesn't seem to mind it too much... she has a blanket in there, which she's slowly ripping to pieces. She has fun. There's also a dirty sock, and you KNOW that has to be a good time.

Her crate has two doors - one on the side and one on the front. I noticed the other day that the bottom latch of the side door was undone. "Strange" I thought... but I closed it and dismissed it.
When we got home from church, I unlocked the back door, waiting to be greeted by Guen. Instead, Frieda AND Guen come to the door, Frieda a ball of energy, so excited that we were home! How on earth did The Monster get out of her cage?!

I checked her cage, expecting to find a door open, but instead, just a bottom latch on one door was undone. Somehow she must have figured out how to undo the latch, and then pushed her body through the bottom part of the door. It is now slightly bent.

Monster? Indeed!


Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

LOL a really smart monster!!

Thelma said...

The little stinker!!! She's too smart for you!
What a girl!

Kelly said...

"monsterificness" Is that a real word? If not, I think it should be. Have I ever told you I used to have a cat named Monster?

Your monster is much cuter than mine was, though! :)

Meridith said...

ROFLOL!!! Both of the german shephards I've had were escape artists.... hehe..... have fun!!

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

Tag Dawn, you're it!